Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Carver File Co., Delta File Works

Carver File Co. did business as Delta File Works, and their brands included Delta, Delta Utility, and Delta Lance Tooth. Their locations were:
3227 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1905 and 1914 (see below)
4837 James St., Philadelphia in 1922 (no building at this address today)

Iron Trade Review, June 1, 1905
“The Carver File Co., of Philadelphia, with a fully paid in capital of $100,000, has been incorporated under the laws of Pennsylvania and the new plant will include two buildings each 40 x 170 ft., with a capacity of 900 dozen files per day. In the formation of the company the plant of the D.B. Murphy File Co., of Camden, N.J., was absorbed and will continue independent operation on special light files, all other grades being made at the new plant. The new plant at Philadelphia is already under roof and will begin operations about August 1.”

Carver File Co. trademarked “Delta” in 1905. Their buildings took up the center of the block between 3227-3233 Frankford Ave. and 3214-3236 Ambler St. Some old buildings are still in this location, and this old map shows them.

Delta File Works magazine advertisements appeared as late as 1956. By 1958 Delta File Works was a subsidiary of  Fayette R. Plumb Inc., with this additional information from 1960:

Hardware Age" Volume 185, page 168
"Hubert Groves Made Plumb Sales Manager: Hubert Groves has been appointed general sales manager of Fayette R. Plumb Inc., Philadelphia, and its subsidiaries, Delta File Works, Inc., and Graham Rotary File & Tool Corp."

Delta advertisement 1909
Delta advertisement 1947

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