Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Simonds Files

Simonds Saw & Steel Co. of Fitchburg, Massachusetts produced some of the best files made in the USA. Simonds bought Heller Brothers of Newcomerstown, Ohio in 1955. Simonds continued to make files in Fitchburg until 1960, when file manufacturing was consolidated in Newcomerstown. Simonds closed that plant in 2006 and moved production to South America. The horse rasp product line was sold to Musted of Switzerland.
Simonds advertisement

Early Simonds History
WK Fine Tools - Simonds History

Simonds Red Tang file box

1 comment:

  1. So what quality tapered files can we now obtain in North America? I loved the original Sandviks, Simonds and Nicholsons. I have several inherited Disston and other quality handsaws I inherited but no files to sharpen them. I've worn out my last American made Simonds and Nicholsons.
